

How to Create a WordPress PayPal Payment Form?

One of the easiest ways to collect payments is through a WordPress form with PayPal integration. Users can simply enter their information into the form and pay for your products/services. The payment will start processing as soon as they submit the form. But first, you must create a form with PayPal integration. It’s super simple[…]

Create Form With PayPal Integration WordPress

How to Integrate Your WordPress Forms with Third-Party Apps Using Zapier?

Are you searching for a way to integrate WordPress forms with third-party apps using Zapier? Do you want to use Zapier to integrate WordPress forms with third-party apps? This article provides a Zapier tutorial for guiding you through the entire process.   Using Zapier to integrate apps into your WordPress site might sound intimidating. But,[…]

Integrate WordPress Forms With Third-Party Apps Using Zapier

How to Create Request a Quote Form in WordPress?

Wondering how to create a request a quote form in WordPress? Then, this is the right article for you. If you want to capture more leads and improve conversion to grow your business, you should provide your customers an easy way to request a quote for your products and services. And there cannot be a[…]

How to Create Request a Quote Form in WordPress

How to Limit Number of Submissions on WordPress Forms?

Wondering how to limit form submission in WordPress forms? Then, this article is just the thing for you.  If your form entries are cluttering your WordPress dashboard, you might want to limit the number of submissions you receive for the form. What if we told you that it’s super easy with a WordPress plugin like[…]

How to Limit Form Submission WordPress

How to Add Google Maps to WordPress Contact Form?

If you’re looking for the best way to add Google Maps to a WordPress contact form, this article is the perfect guide for you. Adding Google Maps to the contact form helps you track your user’s location. And you can use this data to increase your conversation rates, carry out effective marketing campaigns, etc. So,[…]

How to Add Google Maps to WordPress Contact Forms

How to Add Date Range & Multiple Dates in WordPress Forms?

Wondering how to add date range and multiple date picker on WordPress forms? Then, this article is all you need.  As a website owner, you might need to give your users the ability to select the date range or multiple dates within a WordPress form. You can do that easily with a WordPress plugin like[…]

Add Date Range & Multiple Dates in WordPress Forms

How to Change Color of Submit Button in WordPress Form?

Wondering how to change color of submit button in your WordPress forms without touching any code? If yes, this article is all you need.  The catchy appearance of the submit button plays a vital role in grabbing your user’s attention and encouraging them to submit the form. By default, the submit buttons in the WordPress[…]

How to Change Color of Submit Button in WordPress Form

How to Create a WordPress Form with Date Time Picker?

Want to enable your users to select the date and time in your WordPress form? But don’t know how to create a WordPress date time picker form? Then, this easy tutorial is just for you. If you’re thinking that adding a date time picker calendar to your contact form is an intimidating task, it’s not.[…]

Build WordPress Form with Date Time Picker

How to Send Data from WordPress Form to Google Sheets?

Wondering how to send data from WordPress form to Google Spreadsheet? Hop in; this post is just for you. If you want to keep detailed records of your WordPress form entries, Google Sheets is the best, and free spreadsheet program. You can easily create, edit, and collaborate with others on the spreadsheet. Connecting your WordPress[…]

How to Send WordPress Contact Form Data to Google Sheets

How to Create a Likert Scale Survey in WordPress? (Easy Guide)

If you’re wondering how to create a Likert scale survey in WordPress, this article is just the thing for you. The American psychologist Rensis Likert first introduced a Likert scale in 1932 for conducting social and educational research. Today, it’s the widely used approach for measuring the attitude and opinion of audiences towards products, services,[…]

How to Create a Likert Scale Survey in WordPress
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